Domino Math

Grab some dominos, print off this worksheet here

It’s great for counting and basic addition. I have the dominos that go up to twelve on either side but I did see ones that only went up to six if you wanted something easier.  Plus the boys love playing matching games with the dominos trying to find which ones have the same numbers on them, then lining them up.

Math workbook

M always has picked up English stuff quickly but math hasn’t come so naturally. (Oh geez I hope he didn’t get my math skills….or lack thereof.) He didn’t seem to be enjoying our math curriculum that I had assembled that consisted of worksheets and games mostly. I realized we needed to start at the beginning and have some consistency. I found a workbook at Target for intro to kindergarten math and while it did look very basic, he’s really addicted to it. It’s pretty repetitive in that it goes from 1-10, then 1-15, then 1-20 and they have to write the numbers several times. But M really enjoys it and I’ve already seen so much improvement in his counting and recognition of the numbers. I think he likes the structure of having a workbook he can pick up and do on his own (I just read him the instructions) and then he does it and I check his work. At least for math I think we’ll stick with workbooks.

Alarm clock math

I was trying to think of a way to get my two boys sharing a room to be quiet in the mornings till 7am. They’re good at staying IN their room, just not being quiet. So I went and bought a cheap 5 dollar alarm clock and place it right inside the door of their room. I told them that if they were quiet till the clock read 7:00 then they would get a sticker for their “behavior chart” (I’ll post more on that later). So throughout the day I would let them look at the clock and they would have to tell me what numbers they saw. My oldest is picking it up pretty well and for the last 4 nights they’ve both been silent till after 7am! The only problem we had was today when they saw 6:57 and came in because they saw a seven, but we had to explain that it was in the wrong place.


Part of our daily calendar includes practicing memorization. We chose to do the Articles of Faith, (for more information about those here’s a great link ). Every day he learns a portion of it then usually after a week he’s got it all memorized and passes them off. I video him passing them off so we have documentation of it, plus he loves posting videos of himself for his cousins & grandparents to see. 🙂 So here he is passing off the 1st and 2nd articles of faith.

Word & Number Games

Thanks to pinterest, we’ve found several fun games that make learning more fun for M. I saw this idea and loved it because it teaches word families and all the materials to make it were free! All you need is paint chips, something to cut them with, and markers. One of my favorite sites for free worksheets also had the same game that you could print off but if you don’t want to use all your printer ink, this works as well.

There’s 10 groups so you’ll need 10 of the long skinny paint chips and 10 of the fat rectangle chips. I lined up the skinny chip on the fat rectangle one and marked how big one of the boxes were then cut a slit for the top and bottom, then slid the long chip into the big rectangle one. (I realize that sounded really confusing so I’ll post a picture). M loves it and it has really helped him make a connection between word groups.

The other game we came up with was to help him recognizing his numbers 1-100. I found this colorful sheet with all the numbers 1-100.

Then using the crayola dry erase center, I will give him three numbers to find and he has to circle all three. If he gets them right he gets a peanut butter chip. (Yes I’m not ashamed to use bribery!) He hasn’t memorized the names after 20 yet so I usually have to say, “find 45, so the first number is a 4 and the second number is a 5”. That works alright but one he’s better at and can do alone is I’ll tell him to find and circle all the numbers that have a particular single digit in it. So all the numbers that have a 9 in it from 1-100. Then we’ll go through and identify them all. I’m hoping the repetition will help him start to see the patterns in counting.

Activity Center

My sister recommended this crayola dry erase activity center and I finally got one at Walmart. It was a bit more than I wanted to pay but oh my word we LOVE IT! It’s so nice not having to print off a worksheet and then after he’s done not be able to reuse it. I created two file folders so after he’s done with a worksheet it either goes in the math or English folder. So each day he picks what number and letter he wants to do, I print them off, he slides them in the activity center, uses his dry erase markers (or dry erase crayons I also got, which are great!) and then we file the sheets away and can reuse them later. The only problem is that my 2 year old wants one of his own!

I found my dry erase crayons (and eraser bag that comes with it) for 3 dollars at Walmart, so I’d check there, amazon has them for 6.


Progress sheet

I decided to start “supplemental homeschooling” in January so we could do it with the regular calendar year and to get a feel for how M would do with it if we need to do it full time next year. So he’s still doing preschool three times  a week for 3 hours a day but after lunch we do our homeschool work. I wanted a way to keep track of what we were covering and to make sure I was covering the bases. I made a VERY basic/crude progress tracker so I could keep an accounting of what he does every day. I did it for a two week time frame and I think at the end of the two weeks we’ll do a mini quiz of sorts to review and see how much he’s retained and what needs to be repeated.

Homeschool progress

Sight word game

I saw this game on pinterest and tried it out with M. I went through the flash cards I have with just basic words and chose 8 words. Since it was just me and him I would say a word and he would put a fruit loop on it. Once he covered all the words I would point to a word and if he got it right he could eat the fruit loop. So technically it wasn’t really bingo but he enjoyed it and it seemed to help him understand the connection between sounds and words.